Saturday, November 6, 2010

Random Photos

The highlight of the last few weeks, was not Lauren coming out of her colic phase, but Dave getting to go to the first game of the World Series that the Giants actually won!

Dave only had his phone camera but this is always cool to see...

Halloween outfits and playing on their play mat. They are reaching for things and love this thing because it has stuff that hangs down over them that they can pull on and make the music start.

Feeding time... these little highchairs are the best things.

We have started giving them baths in mom's tub on these sponges. They love being in the water and kicking and splashing.

You can see where Nicholas already peed on the bed, right by Lauren's leg so I figured they could have naked time... Lauren waited 'til the very end right as I was putting the clean diaper under her to pee.

Tummy time on the boppy... much easier than just on the floor.

The new and improved "happy" Lauren. Isn't she just the cutest?

Two more videos

Here is what happens when we have had just a little bit too much play time...

And, finally... when you just need some down time but aren't too ready for a nap...

So, I think this is enough posting for a bit... Have a great weekend. We love you!

Friday, November 5, 2010


This is what we do for hours at our house at the moment. Nicholas really seems to think it's funny right now when I ask him about his diaper. He seems to understand the meaning of the word "gross". He is the cutest boy.


Here are some pictures from Halloween. We decided to go the easy, comfy, warm route this year. Unfortunately we didn't count on such warm weather and it turns out their outfits weren't so "comfy". Have you ever seen bears cuter than these?

Nicholas and Dave

"Here's my feet"

"Do I really have to wear this?"

Our friend Nikki was the first neighbor that was home.

Halloween is fun and all... but being naked is much more fun!

And, last but not least for Uncle Andy before we put it away for another year...

Rolling over and kicks

Lauren is getting really good at what we call "practicing her kicks" and is really close (closer than this video shows) to rolling all the way over.