Happy Spring Everyone! Yes, it's been a bit since our last post, but I think these 18 pictures will make up for it.
We are looking forward to some nicer weather here in Boise and being able to play outside more. We are definitely prepared... just had our patio extended in the backyard to make more room for toys and bikes. Got the first of many blow up pools at Walmart last week and the littles are doing their best to start walking, Lauren in particular. We are looking forward to a bunch of fun things this summer. First up is a trip to Grammie and Grandpa Coy's house, then a trip to Solvang and Mio, all the aunties and Brooke and Curtis. Then we will head back to Auntie's and spend about five days in Sonoma County before heading back to Reno to meet Dave for the long, boring trip from there to Boise. He is driving with us from Boise to Reno and then flying home and then will fly to Reno and drive back with us. I am not ready to do six hours alone with the littles on that desolate drive.
In July we will celebrate the littles' first birthday and we would love to have any of you that want to come join us. We are looking forward to the party and can hardly believe that it has already been almost a year. We also have a couple of camping trips planned including a week with Grandpa Dennis and Grandma Judy in Oregon. We will also start swim lessons in July and hope that the babies enjoy them.
What else... We got new bikes and a bike trailer for Lauren and Nicholas. They love it... until we stop to visit with the neighbors or take too long to talk to Sherri and Jeff at the coffee house. We are looking forward to taking our bikes on camping trips and for rides downtown on the greenbelt.
And, of course we can't forget that a certain cute little red headed boy from Cotati will turn FOUR, yes, you read that right, FOUR in July. How can he be four? I was informed a few weeks ago that I could no longer call him Stinky but could call him "Voltron". I am going to try my hardest to stick with Stinky.
So, without further ado... here are some pictures of the cutes.
Love from all of us!
Easter Egg Hunt and Bunny Visit at Zoo Boise
Mom's of Multiples Family Easter Picnic
Easter Morning... Well, actually it was more like afternoon
The New Bike Trailer
Nap? What do you mean? We don't need no stinkin' naps!
Lauren can now stand on her own for a bit without holding onto anything!
Waiting for Dr. Montgomery...
My New "Pimped Out" Ride... At least it looks clean here
Lauren's cute new outfit from Grammie Dianne
Nicholas looking handsome as usual and very intrigued with Max
Dinner at the Cheesecake Factory... They had so much fun and got a ton of attention!