Happy Birthday Stinky! I know that we aren't supposed to call you "Stinky" anymore ("NO AUNTIE, MY NOT STINKY, MY CURTIS"). However, you still are the cutest little stinker in the world. I love getting to talk to you everyday on Skype and getting to see how big you are and all the fun stuff that you have learned to do. You are a very special little kid and you have taught your aunt a whole lot about what is important in this world. You are the funniest kid and even when you are mad or upset you still make me smile.
You have been such a good kid this past year and have no idea what your mom and dad are going through with this whole baby thing. Some day you will understand what a big gift your mom and dad gave us. You are going to be such a good big cousin and Lauren and Nicholas are going to love you. You are always going to be so special to me and will always hold a special place in my heart for being my Stinky. I hope you have a great birthday even though we can't be there. Enjoy your cupcakes and when Auntie and Uncle Dave get there we can have some more.
Love, Auntie, Uncle Dave, Petey, Chloe, Callie and Baby Nicholas and Baby Lauren.