Today is Lauren and Nicholas' three month birthday. It is hard to believe that they are three months old. Each day I look at them and am still amazed at how much I love them, how blessed we are to have them and how lucky we were to have someone so special to bring them into the world for us.
They are really starting to develop their personalities and I think they are very true to how they were in utero. Nicholas is very laid back, doesn't cry a lot. Lauren on the other hand is somewhat demanding and is always moving. Right now she does a lot of what we call "practicing her kicks", where she lays on the floor or the bed and just kicks her legs in any direction she can. She can now roll over onto her side but then gets stuck and then gets mad. The other night I had just changed her diaper and she was laying in between us in our bed when she noticed the ceiling fan in our room. You could see the wheels turning and she realized that the fan was not on. She started screaming. Dave turned on the fan and like magic, she was smiling and happy. She has learned early how to get what she wants and has, like any little girl should, her dad wrapped around her finger. Nicholas can kind of roll onto his side, but is not as mobile as she is. He however loves the play mat thing that they lay under with the toys that hang down. They both get a little mad when the lights and music stop. We now have six, yes, six, swings. Two for upstairs, two for downstairs and two little travel, fold up swings. Yes, they are spoiled, but they have all been purchased at garage sales. They LOVE these things and sometimes they are the only things that get them to sleep or calm them down. WE love them because they provide us with a little down time to get stuff done or get some sleep.
They are starting to sleep longer at night but are not on a real schedule. They are quite different in their sleep and eating patterns so it has been a little difficult. However, I try to take care of most of the nighttime duties as I can so Dave can get some rest for work. He has been amazing and although he sometimes doesn't hear them crying right away, he always gets right up to get a bottle or a diaper (or a swing). We changed Lauren's formula to soy about three weeks ago and it has made a tremendous/positive difference. She is much happier and less colic-y. She has the cutest smile and when she is happy all is good in the world. It was such an amazing change in her personality once we switched formulas. Nicholas on the other hand has always been quick to give the biggest grins and laughs. He is the best little snuggler and I love to watch him wake up in the morning or from a nap. He stretches and yawns, changes positions, stretches some more, opens his eyes a little, goes back to sleep and then does it all over again about three more times before finally waking up. He tends to nap longer and eat bigger portions while Lauren is more of the cat-nap and snacking type. They both have been known to "talk" to someone that we cannot see. I will often look over at one of them and they will be staring at something just smiling and completely engaged in some silent conversation. I like to think that it is their grandfather telling them stories and making faces. Not one day goes by that I don't wish he were here to see these little angels.
I never thought that this day would come, but they have forced being a morning person on me. I have realized that if I don't get up and take a shower before Dave leaves for work, I may not get one til the afternoon. However, the good thing about this is that we often talk to Grammy or Auntie in the morning via Skype before they leave for work. Skype is one of the best things in the world and makes being so far away so much easier. I love being able to call my sister and show her something or hear how Curtis' day at pre-school went. By the way, Curtis is now not only in pre-school but has his own big boy bed that he sleep in all night long. He is one awesome kid and he makes me smile every time I see him, even if he is giving me his "mad face". I love you Stinky!
So, here are a few pictures of the littles from my cellphone. I will try to be better and post more often.
Nicholas after his bottle... drunk on formula
I love my auntie and my auntie is the best onesies
A trip to the market
Happy girl in her swing
sticking her tongue out at mommy
doing some tummy time
Nicholas' Giants socks
Don't bother them if they are sleeping
practicing kicks
drinking those bottles makes a boy tired
happy boy
hanging out with mom in the bathroom... whatever works!
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